Giving Clients the Best Experience

At Resident, we understand that exceptional experiences extend far beyond the initial sale. Our commitment to providing clients with the best journey possible is reflected in every aspect of our service. From the moment you choose Resident to host your event, our Client Services and Strategy (CSS) team takes the reins, ensuring that your experience is seamless, stress-free, and extraordinary.

Too often, the excitement of an event can be overshadowed by the stress of planning and execution. We've made it our mission to eliminate that stress entirely. After the end of the sale, you can sit back, relax, and let our dedicated CSS team take charge. No more worrying about the details – we've got it covered.

Our CSS team is the heartbeat of Resident's commitment to excellence. From the first interaction, they work tirelessly to understand your unique needs and preferences, ensuring that every detail is tailored to perfection. The CSS team is your partner in creating a bespoke experience that aligns seamlessly with your vision.

We believe in giving our clients the freedom to enjoy the journey without being bogged down by the nitty-gritty details. Once you've made your selections – choosing the venue, the chef, and curating the menu to your specifications – our CSS team takes over. This hands-off approach allows you to focus on what matters most – savoring the anticipation of an extraordinary event.

No two events are the same, and we embrace this diversity wholeheartedly. Our CSS team thrives on creating personalized experiences that reflect your individual style and requirements. Whether it's a corporate gathering, an intimate celebration, a networking event, wedding, or a grand event, we ensure that every aspect is tailored to your needs.

At Resident, giving our clients the best experience is not just a promise – it's our passion. From the moment you entrust us with your event, our CSS team works diligently to ensure that every detail is executed with precision and care. You deserve a stress-free, unforgettable experience, and we are dedicated to making that a reality. Choose Resident for your next event, and let us elevate your expectations of what an extraordinary event can be.


Best Holiday Party Ideas


How Chef Luis Herrera Created a Menu for 50 guests